Why is this needed "Give permission to access your <TOKEN NAME>" ?

You guys, I fell for this scam! I fell for a free airdrop scam, and gave a third part access to my funds just then.
I clicked on RIGHT AWAY, the second I confirmed it - I know I'm an IDIOT for doing it.
Now I right away went to metamask and disconnected my wallet from the site. I also removed the extension from my chrome.

I'm about to reinstate it. I am worried that given I gave permission to access my funds, this will still be applicable even when the site is disconnected.

Please please, don't tell me I'm dumb, please tell me how to make sure those scammers don't have access. :(

I basically don't have any crypto, but I have NFTs etc. I don't have high value in my wallet, but I am so worried that they still have access despite me dsconnecting the site. Is there anything else I can reset/remove??

/r/Metamask Thread Link - i.redd.it