What's the most memorable way someone's asked you out?

I have only been asked out three times in my entire adult life, so I remember them all. (Not complaining, I do the asking out when I really want to blah blah blah).

First was a guy who worked in the cafeteria of my dormitory. We started hanging out when he got off work, and he asked me out by leaving a note on the whiteboard outside my room.

Second was a friend of a friend. We were all having a pretty nice evening, BBQ & drinks and in the middle of a group conversation he said "We should go out!" and I had to reject him in front of everyone we knew. A couple years later he did almost exactly the same thing while we were all at the beach having fun in the water. "I still think we should go out!"

Third guy was helping me move out of my apartment and kept creepily standing behind me whenever I was cleaning things out so he could stare at my ass. Every time, I'd ask him what he was doing, or ask him to go do something so he wouldn't keep standing there. The entire drive to where I was going, he talked non-stop about himself, and I was silent the whole way. At a gas station, he got out, and the other guy (there was another guy, FYI) said really awkwardly "Sorry, he's always like this with women he likes. But I always have to ask them if they're interested for him....so are you?"

...I was not.

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