Nekochannel tuned to a dying channel

Some remarks on My mistakes

Obviously I can infer that my selling activities have annoyed some people whose reasons are still unknown: provided no proof and asking in private has been unreasonable and unhelpful. So, I can't talk about "reasons" because I can't see beyond other other people's choices, I can only talk about facts, inferring probabilistic causes, but I also believe that I made the huge mistake to say that SGI computers are totally useless on an SGI forum!!! LOL. These { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } were some of my points on moving to HPPA. Do you believe it was spam? In Neko someone said so.

I am not expert at scientific studies of the human mind and its functions, but by judging on reactions probably hobbyists don't like when you do criticism on their hobbies, so probably some enthusiast didn't understand my criticism and took it as personal offense.

  • Sharp Language! One thing that I've noticed in the threads involving me is that I say in a very sharp way why I would not do such thing and people take it as you are saying "you are wrong that you use this", when I never meant they should not be using it, and I never meant they are wrong. I am just saying I would not do it, but they take it as a personal offense, and react with anger and insults!
  • Context Driven. Someone tends to always only read what he wants to read, so it's difficult to have a conversation when someone is not listening to what you are saying
  • mr.Ego may react like a deranged dog on speed. - "if you correct an essay you will make him wiser. If you correct an ignorant one you will make him your enemy" - I remember something similar on a thread when I said something was very bad for price-performance issues and, as a professional, I would never use that, and someone got offended, I guess I just said "since I see bad ratios on performance/electricity results/effort i believe that it would be stupid as professional solution for daily needs", and the person thought I called him stupid.
/r/removethemods Thread