.NET Core 1.0 Has Been Released

I have a software engineer degree from a school decent enough to avoid giving us assignment on outdated technologies. I mean if 2 years ago you were drag&dropping things in visual studio, something went very wrong. I also have been the owner of a profitable software consulting business for 5 years. I have enough experience to know my "school assignments" are not relevant to a discussion between professionnals. I also have enough experience in the industry to know I shouldn't judge a stack if I have never used it in a professionnal environnement. Which I did for many stacks, from oracle, from microsoft, open source and others, and while I used to despite java since oracle, I avoid giving my opinion on it because I am not really looking closely at it on a regular basis.

Your work experience might be google and you degree stanford doesn't change the fact that you express opinions on things that are mostly unknow to you, and forge your opinion on 1998 websites ( we are in 2016 btw ). That's why you deserve to be called uneducated.

Microsoft have changed since 1998, and while they should be criticized for many things, privacy issues and forced updates for example, their work on the .net stack is really amazing and high quality and very close from being 100% independant of the windows ecosystem. I am not even telling you to try it or anything, just refrain from perpetuating myths because of an anti-microsoft crusade, which is seriously getting old.

/r/programming Thread Parent Link - microsoft.com