Never seen a post so specifically accurate and wholesome.

My mom would tear me down until I was just an exposed raw nerve unable to defend myself, much less address the ways she was ruining my life, and then she'd walk in and give me presents a day or so later when I was basically catatonic. Like I wish I could have caught that on camera: my mom opening my door to me in the fetal position on my bed, which she doesn't acknowledge, and being so expressive about things she'd bought me, about how much she knew I liked whatever or how pretty I'd look wearing whatever she'd bought. I guess she'd fill in the blanks where I didn't respond and have me accept her strange apology.

When my SO told her I was going to hurt myself she went and bought me a Yankee Candle and a pajama set at TJMAX. Lol we never addressed a single issue bc if I even try she really fucks me up. It's like the verbal equivalent of being curbstomped and set on fire.

I love this meme, I wish I had this growing up.

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