Apple reverses stance on iPhone repairs and will supply parts to independent shops for the first time

so you've watched a few youtube videos and think you know what's going on...

How about you listen to yourself and look at your reasons for why you think apple does what it does... they're just so moronic and uninformed that I wouldnt doubt that you have some type of lust for complaining about apple products, as most people here do.

try actually being the ones making these repairs, learning the ins and outs of the devices... what you're saying is common talking points of someone who is just honestly completely misinformed. You can type all you want, but the proof is already out there.

And using hackintoshing to further your point is disingenuous. I've been hackintoshing since 10.8 and it definitely wasn't as simple as you make it sound. Even nowadays it isn't quite that simple. Do you know how many modifications had to be made to allow for macOS on machines other than mac? You have absolutely no understanding of the software side of things, do you? Literally everything you're saying can be debunked with a quick search on google. You can't even use newer nvidia cards on a hackintoshed machine because the drivers simply don't exist. never mind the headache of trying to retrofit new gpu's to older drivers for different gpu's. Even with that, core iCloud services might not even work correctly. There is a ton of different things you have to keep in mind.

Do you think apple removed CD Drives to start selling you flash drives? when apple removed the headphone jack, how many companies started to do the same with their products? How many companies stared to go full-on into wireless?

The last point im going to try to make to you is; would you trust a $100 repair to a $1500+ device to last long, even when you have to replace that same part or even different ones again and again? especially since apple devices tend to be different from their competitors? or would you rather pay a higher price and actually have that device live longer.

I'm not an Apple shill, I just know what the fuck I'm talking about because I've made a career out of this shit and have been doing it my whole life. Stop talking about thinks you have no knowledge about because all you're doing is misleading people with just straight up incorrect info.

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