Am I the only one with a serious mental disorder that’s been accused of faking just cuz I make a joke once in a while????

Ok so apparently what people are getting from this is either that I’m not diagnosed and have never been to therapy, or that I probably don’t have BPD. I would like to say that I am indeed diagnosed with BPD because I fit the criteria for it, and not Bipolar. My inspiration for this post wasn’t necessarily for myself, but something I see a lot on the internet and irl.

I HAVE received the “maybe you have CPTSD” or “sounds more like bipolar to me” stuff before. I have even brought it up to my doctors. I have been over this stuff a million times. You aren’t bringing anything new to the table and I’m done explaining it. Not saying this in a rude way, I’m just confused as to why people do this still.

/r/TrollCoping Thread Link -