New to Cassiopeia, got a couple of questions...

  1. Using Q auto e on the backline is good if you want to farm,but if you want to fast clear waves you can walk to the side of the lane and use your w to hit the entire wave, cast a q on the caster and they can be 1 hit with e then do the same for the front.

Under tower wave clear is pretty easy too. Melee minions take two tower shots then can be 1 hit with e. Casters take 1 shot then you Auto and E.

  1. Against heavy burst mids and assassins i always take barrier. Against ad assasins like zed and talon i go tear catalyst into zhonyas. My Core build against ad mids is ROA ,Zhonyas, Seraphs, Morello, Rylais, Liandries. You get a massive sheild with barrier and seraphs combined, plus a zhonyas and a TON of HP alongside a rylais slow to help self peel.

Against AP assassins i go tear catalyst into banshees veil or abyssal mask. Core build is Seraphs, Banshees, ROA/Abyssal, Morello, and then branch out from there.

  1. Rylais is a good self peel item and can help against slippery targets. Works well against assassins and champs like leblanc ekko zoe.

  2. If they have a strong ap jg and and ap mid id go tear into abyssal mask morello, if they have an ap top instead of an ap jg, i usually go tear cataylst morello then finish the abyssal mask after morello.

  3. You can weave in autos early game but after you get some cdr you don’t really want to auto. You can do more dps using your e in fights rather than autoing in between. Early game you can auto then e right after so your auto and e hit around the same time. I use this every game to CS with. When you go for the last hit with your e early it does like 100 damage combined, making it easy to rack up farm. Hope this helps.

/r/CassiopeiaMains Thread