New Necron Wraith statline leaked

It is true that with a couple of units being buff ed, you can get a good start with the army, but then you get worse with the other units. I'm talking about the buffed infantry, which I was not able to find a way to balance in the FAQ. The re-tooled Assault Marinesare pretty good, and the re-tooled Librarian is pretty good, but they don't make up for the re- tooled Infantry and the re-tooled Command Squad (and that's even with the re-tooled Assault Marines, but that's an entirely different post ). The re-tooled Command Squad (and that's even with the re-tooled Assault Marines, but that's an entirely different post ). The re- tooled Assault Marines (and that's even with the re-tooled Assault Marines, but that's an entirely different post ).

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