New Player Pirate Warrior Questions

I wouldn't invest in pirate warrior right as the nerf hits, personally. But either way, you want to always mulligan pretty aggressively for a 1 drop when going first(maybe save War axe, but toss back anything else if you don't have one), on the play, keeping a 2 into another 2 is fine (For example, waraxe into bloodsail raider is good to keep). In the first few turns, you should play for board, prioritizing using weapons to do so. Trade minions when it will result in more face damage or resources used by your opponent(i.e. They have a 3/2, you have a 5/3 and 2 1/1s, you should generally trade in your tokens, a bit of an obvious example but try to consider how the next few turns will play out if you trade vs not tradibg). After you lose the board or get them low enough that you know you can finish with burn/weapons in your hand, start hitting face indiscriminately unless they have a must kill minion like priest of the feast, vicious fledgling or frothing berserker. Swinging a weapon at their face in early turns is fine if you have multiple weapons and they don't have minions, but generally make sure to have a weapon equipped or in hand at all times if possible. For the most part that covers it.

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