New University Grad, moving abroad to teach English for a few years, then coming back to apply to CIS jobs?

you don’t need relevant work experience to get interviews. you need to have better projects and a better resume

this is the hard truth but you also need to stop being so lazy. the fact that you send out 300 apps (probably through quick applies) and got 3 responses means you didn’t even try changing up your approach to getting an interview. My last job search, I sent out 2 apps - with no prior experience - and got an offer. I spent 3 hours on my app - applying online and then researching the company and directly emailing the hiring manager. There’s no way I could have done 300 apps of the same quality.

after the first 100, didn’t you realize something was wrong? did you try going to meetups and networking to get an interview?

now you’re just gonna run away and be an english teacher after putting in zero effort and you’re gonna seriously fuck up your career unless you take this reddit comment seriously

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