Newbie to Space Engineers, just looking for tips.

If Your on a Planet that has even low Oxygen you can use an Air vent set to depressurize to fill your rooms/Base up with oxygen. This works for ships as well as long as there is oxygen around.

Use Connectors and Merge Blocks to connect your ships and Rovers to your Panetarry Station. This adds up all the power Produced to help power your base and refill Those Batteries.

If playing Multiplayer beware of pistons and Rotors. They will explode taking a Chink of your creation with them.

Remember Sabroids are in the Walls. You Cant get away unless your in the Air and have no stowaways.

Scrap the Beginning ship in favor of a Platform or Station. Youll thank yourself later when you dont Accidentally crash and ruin your beginning production causing you to have to create a new world or go in Creative to place the Platform you should have built to begin with.

Dont Scrap Your Beginning platform. Even later on when you might have that nice godly helicarrier if you crash it and all your production gets destroyed youll thank yourself later for leaving it.

Mods can add alot to the game. Especially the Concrete Blocks mod and the Stone Crusher mod that help you turn that once Useless Stone into Roads, Buildings, and Thruster proof landing pads.

Uranium on Planets is always usually under the Ice lakes.

ION engines arent as efficient on Planets but when Combined with Atmo Thrusters they can give the Edge to get out into space since the efficiency switches in there favor the Further away form the Planet you are.

At start your given enough to make 5 or 6 Solar panels and a Couple Batteries. Do this on a Platform and connect it to your main ship using a Merge block. This makes the eventual move to a platform easier as well as add the power production together without destroying the Ship Batteries.

Always build an Elevated platform. Helps defend from Sabroids and other potential threats.

If Meteors are on then use a Mountain to defend your base.

/r/spaceengineers Thread