No welcome bundle

Repost but thats why we dont get a date

They don't want you to know when it goes live. Companies like Blizzard spend a lot on research to figure out how to manipulate their customers. If you look carefully at the announcement you'll also notice that it will stay open for as long it can, implying that this is a limited time offer. So what you say, well let me explain to you how these things work. no announcement date so you don't know when it is Limited time offer, so you don't want to miss it You better log in regularly to make sure you don't miss it if you are casual player who doesn't normally login everyday Studies show that the more days a player plays the more likely they are to spend money That is the reason we have daily quests and weekly tavern brawls, to keep you coming back everyday or at least every week. Players will login more often hoping to catch the deal and hopefully stay to do their daily quest by the time the deal is added they are more likely to buy it than if they just gave us a date Here is a quote from a good page explaining some of this: Retention is arguably the most important metric in a free-to-play game. Successful free-to-play games create long-term relationships with users. Users that enjoy the experience enough are willing to pay to for a competitive advantage. A game needs to have strong retention to have time to build this relationship.

/r/hearthstone Thread