AITA for not lifting a finger while my girlfriend clean the house?

I know a lot of people are saying he's the asshole but I also find it annoying when someone gets mad at you for not doing something right at the moment they want it done when they didn't ask. Like yeah, I will certainly take out the garbage without having to be asked, but don't get mad because I'm planning on doing it at 7 instead of 5. If you want it done by 5 then say so. Yes I will mop the floors and unload the dishwasher and vacuum, but if you want it done at a certain time then say so. My roommate always used to complain that other people weren't helping out around the apartment but she just simply would always do certain things before I or anyone else got to them. So like with this guy, I would have been annoyed by the gf in this situation because its not my fault she chose to clean early in the day. What would be wrong with waiting until a bit later when I was fully awake and ready to help out? Like it would be one thing if I was asked to be up in the morning to help with cleaning but otherwise don't expect me to be reading your mind and knowing exactly when you want something to be done.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread