Do you believe in aliens? If yes, why? If no, why?

No, and here's why.
Let's define aliens as beings who are: non-native-to-earth and rivals-intelligence-of-humans.

Here's the thing that doesn't sit well with me.
Why does light observed act differently from unobserved light?
Where else does this get mimicked? Video games.
Rendering light in a game while not observed as a player acts differently than unobserved light.
Ever played a Zelda game? Walk into a house. The rest of the world is not in the screen.
When you're loaded into a game like Minecraft, every player has the same basic form.
To cement in reality, there are things that can alter this form even from birth.
But an alien race? Unless it's a different mode to play the game, seems unnecessary.
Why make a race that by the limitations of the game, we were not supposed to be able to ever get to?
You'll have two player bases that'll never meet each other. At that point, you may as well just make a separate game.

Take what I say with a grain of salt, it's just my best way to rationalized the current scientific mysteries we have on hand. Take a look into simulation theory if you want to read more.

/r/AskReddit Thread