A noob's power rankings of the remaining 16 [NSFW: Language]

I'm not going to write about everyone, but just some notes that I think conflict with popular opinion on the subreddit...

Overdrive: Christian Carlberg is the driver. Do you remember Overkill from the old series? Carlberg drove Overkill. Overkill had a nearly useless weapon and two wheeled bots are hard to drive... But it went 13-5 because Carlberg is, in my opinion, THE best driver in the old series. I think Overdrive is going to go farther than most people expect.

ICEwave: I think ICEwave is a bit overrated. It's powerful enough to be capable of winning the tournament. But we've only seen it once so far, and it was really looking smokey at the end of the fight. Slow spin up time... I don't think he's going to make it to the finals.

Lockjaw: Sorry, but not really impressed in the fight we saw it in. It was fast, but it didn't look like it really had the traction that it's going to need to go all the way. Donald Hudson is a really good driver, though. I think it's going to depend on who he goes up against.

Witch Doctor: Bit underrated, I think. The flywheel on Witch Doctor seems reasonably powerful. I think it's very interesting that Shaman looks like it MAY have enough mass to do SOMETHING, unlike all the other multibots. I don't think they'll make it past the quarter finals, though. Competition's too tough for smaller bots.

Stinger: Probably my favorite bot, but I have a terrible feeling that the bracket is going to put Stinger up against a robot that has a good chance of beating it. I think the biggest threat to Stinger is not KE weapons, but flippers and fast robots with good drivers; Bronco, Overdrive, Lockjaw...

Bronco: There's one thing more dangerous than a powerful flipper; A powerful flipper that can take a lot of hits. Everything built by this team fits that description. Semifinals or more.

Tombstone, Bronco, Overdrive, Stinger, Hypershock, ICEwave, Biteforce, Lockjaw are my picks for the quarter finals. After the quarters it's going to be way too difficult to pick winners, too much talent for anyone to pull ahead.

/r/battlebots Thread