Not in the mood to reply with your arguments? Just use report instead!

Oh, that was all me. Not that I can prove it or whatever. I don't think I actually ever posted an actual comment in that thread.

It's just really disappointing to see the amount of ignorance and misinformation that gets thrown around and spread about CPS. In no small part because of the dumbass shit like what was in that thread. CPS is already crazy underfunded, and have to put up with so much shit/abusive people in the name of making sure children aren't being harmed. It astounds me how quick people are to turn on these people who's job is literally to make sure kids are safe. But it's not especially surprising. The only time they get mentioned is when something like this happens, which is more about stupid interpretation of a poorly worded (and arguably stupid) law. Not that you'd know from the majority of the comments. A story about CPS rescuing an abused child will never reach the #1 spot on r/news. Unless the kid is like, Misha Obama.

I'm fully willing to bet a good number of the people posting in that thread have no fucking clue how the CPS process works. But it's reddit. Default reddit at that. What can you expect, errybody got a PhD on whatever the topic is [the irony here is not lost on me]. There were multiple people under the impression that CPS picks and chooses what cases to handle, and more than a few straight up stating that like it was a fact. Which is

/r/BestOfReports Thread Link -