Officialmessymermaid reposted photos/videos from Ashley’s private Instagram. It appears that she is with Thomas and the children ‘riding out the storm’. Regardless of how much the children appear to enjoy her company, what are everyone’s thoughts on the appropriateness of this photo? How about KD?

The south are so ass backwards! I am sorry, I have friends and family in the ‘deep south’ and it is astonishing how backwards things are. I am not going to get into the differences. All I will say is, if this hooker were in my town and pulled this shit? I’d win hands down from keeping her away from my kids. The MINUTE there is dissension and shit? The courts will keep any third parties away from the kids. For he kids best interests. Deidre would have been tarred and feathered for her far ass lying ways. Her and the hooker would not be safe in public. They would have had her asses kicked a few times by now. You simply do NOT fuck with kids and family here!

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