Oh look. Its Another "they have drones." Talking point.

The government doesn’t have that kind of power, there are around 75 Million gun owners in the US (and that’s just the people who disclosed that info) while there only around 2.5 million service members in all branches of the US military combined, and only around 700,000 cops in the entire US so let’s say every veteran and cop sides against gun owners (which realistically I doubt more than half would) and fight them infantry to infantry gun owners out number them 20 to 1.

Obviously that’s not going happen for a number of reasons so they’re gonna have to use drone strikes, artillery, and other types of fire support. but here’s there’s the thing no way the general public will support this , because if only ten or fifteen percent of gun owners take up arms and fight until they die we’re looking at the deaths of millions of Americans.

TLDR: not only does the government lack the manpower to manually confiscate all or even the majority of guns and fight gun owners who resist, they also won’t be able to just drone strike and shell them into paste because it would entail a veritable genocide.

/r/shitguncontrollerssay Thread Link - v.redd.it