Oh no it’s ohya

Deleted my other reply in order to try to better state my point here, apologies from before.

When did the game force you to date her?

I don't know how you got that sentiment out of my post, but my reply was aimed at the other poster's insinuation that people only didn't like her because they wanted walking waifu pillows, thus stating it was wrong for us to not want to date her; that didn't set well with me because I had other, actual reasons for not liking her.

College age

As I said in my other reply, I can understand this, but just because I can understand this doesn't mean I have to like it; on the contrary, having lost several family members to alcoholism and alcohol-related accidents, I'm a little too well-acquainted with the concept, which is perhaps my problem.

tl;dr I don't hate Ohya as a character; she's realistic, well-developed(ish), and overall not as bad as some others, but I also see no reason why I should like her at all, so someone saying "ha, you just don't like her cause she's realistic" feels like its belittling my experience and opinion overall.

/r/Persona5 Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it