OnAir Devs unable to take criticism, resorting to banning staff and former staff.

So, got a reply back from the devs after asking for reasons why I was banned, got this back:

Since several weeks, you were denigrating the product and the dev team without any constructive comment. We cannot accept that, especially from a former help team member. Rules broken:

9: Starting, encouraging and contributing to server drama discussions is strictly prohibited and not allowed. Doing so will result in a ban.

10: Threads made to insult, offend or hurt other players, the staff, the community or the server is not allowed and will be locked/removed from public view on the first offence and result in a ban.

I would like to clarify for the record that I have never, started, encouraged or contributed to server drama, I've always been an active mediator to quell and put out such drama. Standing up for the community is not encouraging drama, unless you classify drama as anything you DON'T like.

On the second, threads? What are you, a CPU? Anyways, I've never made threats, on the server, posting a "This is fine" to the developers literally throwing the former support staff under the bus then purging the discord of dissenting voices, is unequivocally /NOT A THREAT/

/r/OnAirCompany Thread