You find a wallet with $300 in it. What do you find in the wallet that makes you keep the money?

I stole $2 out of my mom's purse when I was 10 for a ChocoTaco off the ice cream truck. She only ever left me .50c so she knew when she saw me trying to scarf it down.

She allowed me to try to be honest about it, but I first said I found it on the ground. She asked two more times before I 'fessed up.

She whipped me 11 times on my rear with the belt. The belt isn't what hurt though, it was the disappointment. I felt bad about it all and lying. We didn't really have money (I didn't know, they tried to hide it well, and always provided for us), and the next day I went without School lunch and my ice cream truck visit as well, since lunch was $1.50 and .50c for the truck. $2.

I don't remember a bunch about my childhood, just plain bad memory, but I remember these instances that taught me something. I've never stolen again in my life, so the lesson stuck and I appreciate her for doing that.

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