Patriarchal Blessing

Honestly, mine has always kind of tripped me out. 75% of it is just your typical cookie-cutter blessing, but the first couple paragraphs are honestly quite strange. They talk about me in the premortal existence, which isn't particularly unusual for a patriarchal blessing, but in doing so it describes my personality to a T. Ever since I could talk I've always been very inquisitive and fascinated by science and the mysteries of the universe. My patriarchal blessing talks about this, saying I was eager to learn the mysteries of the creations and would grill God with questions on these topics, just like I would with my parents when I was a kid. What made this strange was that I hadn't lived in that ward for very long, and hardly knew the patriarch at all (I'd said hi to him in the halls in passing). I've wondered if he maybe talked to my bishop about me beforehand, as he knew me better. I'm not mormon anymore it's something that's still kinda strange to me.

/r/mormon Thread