One Piece: Chapter 1057

At last we say goodbye to Wano, the greatest in arc in One Piece. From here on out we do not know where we are going or what we will see, just continuing our journey to find the worlds greatest treasure on the worlds most dangerous sea. Whats next is a genuine mystery, with very few hints to help us, no preplanned stops follow, no enemies to anticipate, and no maps to follow, nothing but true adventure lies ahead. Its moments like these that remind me why I love this story so very much, the genuine thrill of not knowing whats gonna happen next in this story is the greatest thing in the world. I feel so lucky and privileged to share these moments with a community that feels the same way. I don't know how long the story will last, and to be honest I don't really care, nor do I care to predict when or what will happen, I just take sheer joy knowing I get to be part of the journey, the lucky few that get to experience One Piece first hand in their lifetime. I just wanna relish this story every step of the way and I hope everyone here does to. Here's to One Piece, the craziest, weirdest, silliest, and most beautiful story ever told

/r/OnePiece Thread