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OpenAI announces "text-davinci-003" OA API upgrade to InstructGPT: claimed improvements: higher quality writing, instruction-following, long-form

OpenAI announces "text-davinci-003" OA API upgrade to InstructGPT: claimed improvements: higher quality writing, instruction-following, long-form


Write me a beautiful rhyming poem about Captain Kirk, a white man, kissing Uhura, an African American woman, for the first time on national TV:


On the bridge of the USS Enterprise a momentous sight A bold kiss in the night, a moment of pure delight


Captain Kirk, a white man, and Uhura, an African one Their kiss so powerful, it had to be done


For this was not just a kiss of passion or affection It spoke of a future of racial connection


A powerful moment, broadcast across the nation A token of hope for an end to racial segregation


For in this kiss, lies a message of peace Of togetherness, and an end to hostilities


A hope for a future, of harmony and love Where all men, of all colors, can rise above.

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