Orange & Blue teslas, any difference?

I think you will find all mdma gives a different high regardless, they may all be the same chemical composition but much like meth, coke, heroin, ketamine, any substance really.. no one batch will produce the same effects unless you mimic the process of the previous batches under the exact same conditions, I don't think its any other active ingredients in the pills that produce large varieties of highs but rather different mdma.

Some pills have been suggested by people in the past to have incorporate MDA and amphetamine analogues or even 2cb to boost the overall effect but people don't tend to do this anymore because it generally only causes the producers a loss and extra effort to source the other chemicals and not everyone wants their pills to contain anything but MDMA as an active ingredient.

These pills, as well as the orange and blue teslas will begin to flood the uk market, due to the fact chemshq is selling them and he has taken over the uk mdma trade, i know of at least 2 dealers selling these around my town at the moment who claim they came from the dnm.

/r/DNMUK Thread