Reddit, what's your most "I'm with the Boomers on this" opinion?

Luck is the intersection of preparation and opportunity.

Yes, the cards are marked, the roulette wheel is off balance and biased, the dealers and pit bosses are skimming the top, and the house wins way more often than it used to and more often than it should. From Reganomics in the 80s to whatever the fuck the GOP has turned itself into where it's gotten to the point that grown-ass men and women run around wearing Trump flags or "fuck Biden" flags as a cape, it's been a long assault on the working class. But the hard reality is that bitching about it on the internet inside an echo chamber like r/antiwork is going to hurt you in the long run. Once you manage to convince yourself that there is no possible way for anything to get better by even the smallest measurement, you're in dangerous and self-destructive territory.

If you truly want something in life, you either earn it or you take it. Nothing is given.

/r/AskReddit Thread