Orianna or Ahri?

I have heard quite a lot that ori is a good blind and great for learning positioning and macro and I love the utility she brings for teamfights, but it does seem kind of hard to do anything until the teamfight stage besides poke the enemy midlaner to me but tbh I'm not the best with roam timings which is probably the real issue and part of why I play taliyah (ult and passive makes roams fairly easy).

I'm also not really use to her shield yet, for example I'll q and have my ball near the enemy and then I'll try and shield an ability but the ball doesn't come back in time, I suppose it's just something you get use to but it is a little frustrating, overall though I am liking ori a little more than ahri after playing a few more games with her so I think I may stick with ori (for now at least). :)

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