overview for Neneminaify

All this seems discrimination. By calling people crap, u did nothing, but showed that you are a type of Jealous person, who cannot bear to let people know about informations

[–]to /r/todayilearned/ sent 22 minutes ago


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[–]from lanismycousin[M] via /r/todayilearned/ sent 16 minutes ago

because you're spamming unoriginal crap.

fuck off. k? =)

permalink report block user mark unread reply

[–]to lanismycousin[M] via /r/todayilearned/ sent 14 minutes ago

what is wrong with it? where is this rule written, that i cannot submit copied content?

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[–]from lanismycousin[M] via /r/todayilearned/ sent 12 minutes ago

Don't submit spam you worthless piece of shit spammer.

There's the rule in writing. So, fuck off? k ;)

permalink report block user mark unread reply

[–]to lanismycousin[M] via /r/todayilearned/ sent 10 minutes ago

well if its a spam, then why only u fucking piece of shit say so. No other mod said this as i talked to them

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[–]from lanismycousin[M] via /r/todayilearned/ sent 6 minutes ago


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[–]from lanismycousin[M] via /r/todayilearned/ to lanismycousin[M] sent 5 minutes ago

So .....

You are copying content and using multiple accounts/domains to submit your crap and you are upset at me? You're nothing but spam and you know it

permalink report block user mark unread reply

[–]to lanismycousin[M] via /r/todayilearned/ sent 3 minutes ago

You forced me to do so. I had more accounts, just becoz u block my blog for nothing. I did no spamming. its not a spam u crap. Its a copied content, and its the right of every redditor to learn about the past facts.

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[–]from lanismycousin[M] via /r/todayilearned/ sent 5 minutes ago


permalink report block user mark unread reply

/r/todayilearnedWhy is this post removed expand allcollapse all

[–]to /r/todayilearned/ sent 43 minutes ago


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[–]from lanismycousin[M] via /r/todayilearned/ sent 37 minutes ago

because you're spamming unoriginal crap.

fuck off. k? =)

permalink report block user mark unread reply

[–]to lanismycousin[M] via /r/todayilearned/ sent 35 minutes ago

what is wrong with it? where is this rule written, that i cannot submit copied content?

permalink reply

[–]from lanismycousin[M] via /r/todayilearned/ sent 32 minutes ago

Don't submit spam you worthless piece of shit spammer.

There's the rule in writing. So, fuck off? k ;)

permalink report block user mark unread reply

[–]to lanismycousin[M] via /r/todayilearned/ sent 31 minutes ago

well if its a spam, then why only u fucking piece of shit say so. No other mod said this as i talked to them

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[–]from lanismycousin[M] via /r/todayilearned/ sent 27 minutes ago


permalink report block user mark unread reply

[–]from lanismycousin[M] via /r/todayilearned/ to lanismycousin[M] sent 26 minutes ago

So .....

You are copying content and using multiple accounts/domains to submit your crap and you are upset at me? You're nothing but spam and you know it

permalink report block user mark unread reply

[–]to lanismycousin[M] via /r/todayilearned/ sent 23 minutes ago

You forced me to do so. I had more accounts, just becoz u block my blog for nothing. I did no spamming. its not a spam u crap. Its a copied content, and its the right of every redditor to learn about the past facts.

permalink reply

/r/todayilearnedTo all moderators. expand allcollapse all

[–]to /r/todayilearned/ sent 27 minutes ago

Please Do something about this. Where is this rule written, that i cannot submit a copied content. Let the redditors decide whatever is copy, and what is original. It should be a democratic platform <to lanismycousin[M] via /r/todayilearned/ sent 2 minutes ago

what is wrong with it? where is this rule written, that i cannot submit copied content?>

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/r/spam Thread Link - reddit.com