Make a pair of headphones from bullet casings

In kindergarten my friend found a bullet in the dumpster with a cowboy mark engraved on it I believe. In class he sucked on that bullet like it was a pacifier until the teacher noticed and asked what it was. We were sitting farthest from her on the alphabet rug. As far as I know, he's in fact Texan.

That same year, we were playing on the blacktop with ice still everywhere and I grabbed a hoola hoop and set it at neck level, so the hoop forced him to fall backwards and hit his head on the ice. He started screaming and crying, so I did because I was scared. Then they started calling my name and sent two upper grade girls to escort me, so I started panicking even harder as I hated getting in trouble. They didn't even know I did it. My dad showed up to take me home by pure coincidence and my guilt almost got me fucked up. You could say I.. dodged a bullet. Didn't get in trouble for it and luckily he's fine now.

Still no clue about the fucking bullet being discarded in the dumpster.

TL;DR friend found bullet in the dumpster, sucked it for some time, that same winter I nearly brained him cause I was bad at playing, and got early dismissal by pure chance

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