PPL Check Ride Failure

How is this fair though ? The student initially decided they would rather discontinue. The DPE insisted they go fly, which in a way indirectly tells the student the DPE would rather get it done that day. Now they go out and with only 2 landings remaining, the DPE asks if the student wants to discontinue ? How do you expect the student to agree to discontinuing when you pressured him to go fly in the first place ? The student actually delivers on the remaining landings and you failed him because of his lack of decision making ? What sense does that make ? My 3 takeaways: 1- the student has good ADM for trying to discontinue in the first place 2- if he ever finds himself in deteriorating weather conditiom he demonstrated he could handle it 3- what happened was on the DPE, not the student.

/r/flying Thread Parent