Pathfinder app recommendations (Mac/Windows/iOS/Android)

-Apps that I found inadequate for various reasons-

[HeroLab]("") ($30+). See above. An overpriced, unwieldy dinosaur of an app.

[Combat Manager]("") ($4.99). Brilliant potential but a dated interface and massive instability since it hasn't been updated at least a year. Borderline abandonware.

[Fight Club PFRPG by Lion's Den]("") ($2.99). Simple character sheet app that unfortunately doesn't do legality checks or character building. Combine that with inferior reference materials and it really doesn't have anything on RPG Scribe other than that it integrates easily with GM by Lion's Dead.

[Donjon's Initiative Tracker]("") (free). Donjon's overall suite is amazing, and I highly recommend checking out all the nifty little tools he's provided (especially the procedural generators), but his initiative tracker is too clunky and too basic to be much use over pen and paper, let alone over whiteboard or the apps above.

/r/Pathfinder_RPG Thread