(pc) looking for a car crew

Hey there, here is a recruitment post of my crew, I'm looking for members and I'm looking to run it long term. If your interested shoot me a message on PSN - my ID is M-Powered_

Bite or Slide Rallycross (PS4 Only)

About: I'm looking to make this crew one of the top offroad/Rallycross crews in GTAV. The crew will be participating in weekly car meets (some with other crews) and fun events which can be hosted by any new members. Our main funtion will be racing for fun and even racing competitive so I am looking for all sorts of driver talent. Ideal members will have alot of car control and know how to drift and navigate though dirt terrain with ease. Races will occasionally consist of the Rally mode, which one person will have to navigate the driver though the track. Though most races will take place in the standard modes - For example, Point to Point and regular checkpoint races. Sometimes Non-Contact will be on, as some tracks that have been made are to narrow for multiple cars to pass without crashing. If the track is considered wide enough, contact will be set to on. We are not limited to Rallycross events, we will play circuit racing and drift events when they come up or if members are looking to host them.

We will only take members which are age 17+ any younger than this and you will need to attend a trial meet. This ensures you are mature enough to join the crew.

Leader Contact: PSN, M-Powered_, Fiesta_WRC_05

Social Club Crew Link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/bite_or_slide_rally

Platform(s): PS4 Only

Games: GTAV, DiRT Rally, Need for Speed

Timezone: United Kingdom (London GMT+1)

BSRC Racing Announce trailer http://youtu.be/i_x0WFxi8ak

Preview video of what our racing is like http://youtu.be/H_jg88Jv6IQ

There is also a community page on PS4, which is called BSRC Rallycross crew.

BSRC Website http://biteorsliderallycross.enjin.com/

Recruitment meet/race will begin when we have 5-10 members join.

I look forward to hearing from interested members and will see you in the world of Los Santos.

/r/gtaonlinecrews Thread