What are the names of the strongest Haxs that Yhwach has? Beside Almighty

Probably Murphy lawden or also known as SCP-3143. SCP-3143 is an intrafictional construct. When active, this construct exhibits the ability to temporarily 'flatten' portions of reality into a script-like narrative. This narrative is derivative of the genre established by North American writers of hard-boiled and noir fiction1 Powers and Abilities: Immortality (Type 8, continues existing as long as authors write about him), Passive Plot Manipulation, Mind Manipulation (Causes those flattened to exhibit particular personalities), Memory Manipulation (Entities involved have no recollection of the events), Technology Manipulation (All recording devices within the area fail when SCP-3143 is active), Teleportation (As part of the story, can teleport himself and others to new scenes), Immersion and Reality Warping (Flattens portions of reality into a narrative, the events of the narrative are later applied to reality), Higher-Dimensional Manipulation (Capable of warping 3D space despite being a fictional being), Resistance to Text Manipulation, Data Manipulation, Plot Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, and Existence Erasure (Immune to all of SCP-3043's abilities)

Attack Potency: High Hypoverse level (Is a fictional entity, a sapient story) | Low Hypoverse level (Is a fictional entity, a sapient story. Should be vastly inferior to even 0-dimensional but real beings. The gap between a lower narrative and the Foundation's narrative should be as high as the gap between the Foundation's narrative and the Alpha Layer)

Speed: Unknown

Lifting Strength: Inapplicable

Striking Strength: High Hypoverse level | Low Hypoverse level

Durability: High Hypoverse level | Low Hypoverse level

Weaknesses: If literarily deconstructed, the narrative SCP-3143 created can be molded into one that doesn't follow SCP-3143's direction, however, SCP-3143 can reconstruct its narrative to regain control

/r/bleach Thread