People over 65 should be barred from holding public office

Here's the literal problem with retarded leftists like yourselves. You've really demonstrated why people hate you with both of these responses and I'm explain why.

I disputed that your argument that old people shouldn't be allowed to hold higher public office because younger people have such better ideals and values. I stomped that by writing values that you hold, that are toxic to society.

You response was to make this retarded comment that assumes I would think the opposite of the word anti-union.

My response was to correct you on your use of the word antiunion, and to tell you that you are retarded for trying to box me into a corner with this autisitic narrative.

Your response was then to ignore than i merely stated a fact that your assumption and conclusions are factually and logically inncorrect, by going off onto yet another tangent to make more assumptions that i have to correct you on and further point out how retarded you are.

Thats the jist of every single argument you will ever do. Make a wild assumption, go off on tangent. Repeat. Thats literally it. If you respond and combat my response, then any response other than arbitrary agreement that facts are true would cement the notion that you are irrational and illogical.

So your only play is to go on a tangent. Continually making strange baseless assumptions that are the opposite of what they should be so i respond, but then you'll just enter a new tangent. Its a cycle of retarded leftist logic.

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