Financial Advisor for an addict

Sounds good. Happy to help in any way that I can and will let you drive what you want me to helo you with.

A few things I'd like to point put - It would be good to know what country you live in. While budgeting is the same country to country, a few things may differ in terms of planning for your retirement, what options you have etc. I of course am most familiar with Canada as that's where I'm from - Do an honest assessment of your income, and expenses in addition to your debt. This way you'll know how much debt you can afford to pay off, and how long itll take. If it's going to take you 2 years to pay off your debt that's much different from a debt that'll take 10 years to pay off where it might make sense to pay off. - Itll take time to build trust, you barely know me and we might be dealing with information you arent willing to fully trust as a stranger. But I guarantee you, I'm here to help and am as honest a person as they come.

Anyways looking forward to chatting and again, happy to help in any minor (just general advice as questions arise) or significant way (helping with your budget, checking in regularly to see if you remain on track).

Lastly, everyone is different on where they are with their gambling recovery, and how they are dealing with it. If relapse is a significant risk to you, I'd really recommend handing your finances over to someone you trust. Gambling setbacks are the worst because they can be so large and you (and i) are probably at the stage where we cant really afford too many more setbacks. We need to be moving forwards not backwards

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