Pictures speak 1000 words. Why has God been allowing us to suffer he has been doing this to us since 2020. You may not be able to see these pictures fully but you certainly know. Life in 2019 has not returned fully yet why has God been allowing us to suffer from COVID, monkeypox, inflation, etc.?

Why has God allowed lockdowns in 2020, confusion our world turned upside down cancellations closings school closings restaurants social distancing stores to be closed travel restrictions congregate settings with masks confusion no crowds at the Olympics both the winner, and last summer with confusion of why no spectators were allowed in Tokyo of cancellations of festivals outdoors to movie theaters closed Millions of people dying waves of COVID-19 unprecedented events canceled like we have never seen in our life a virus that keeps mutating killing people every single day for two years that has killed globally so far several million, and close to 2 million Americans for 45 months with no end in sight with a confusion of a Vax Live concert in LA , racism, George Floyd’s murder, Breonna Taylor‘s murder, ICU beds filled, Christmas looking different our lives looking different school shootings mess school shootings, and The trauma that has come with it tucker Carlson Misinformation this information liars Trump rallies anti-vacation unvaccinated people dying, Global inequities of late, quarantine, outbreaks of COVID, reinstated mask mandates, and everything else why has God been allowing all this?

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