Pornhub Content Restriction does more harm than good.

Yeah, this is pedo panic in action. Same thing happened to Tumblr. Both tumblr and Pornhub were accused of hosting child porn, which even if true (and I have my doubts - I've been using PH for years and literally have never seen anything of the sort) would have to be a ridiculously small percentage of the content (probably not even even half of a percent), and so apparently the solution is nuke everything.

It makes no sense, but makes a lot of self-righteous and short sighted people feel vindicated, so I guess that's what we're doing now. If anybody doesn't know it already, at least this is a solid reminder why you best buy backup hard drives and download your favorites because that's the only way you can be sure you're keeping them. Because the people that value the illusion of safety and security over freedom call the shots.

/r/Pornhub Thread