Possible unpopular opinion. Nerf post-death camera...

I don't think you understand what balanced means in a game, the game right now as it is with the exception of maybe LMG ttk, for example killing another player with any weapon requires a certain amount of consistency and practice with said weapons bullet speeds/drop off/spread/ recoil etc. This is balanced it rewards skill and practice. In HC you only need to get off one lucky shot with a sniper or spray in someone's general direction with an smg and its a kill this stops rewarding people who are skilled with a sniper who take the time to aim for the head or the people who learn the pattern of weapon recoil. Like I said your allowed to enjoy HC it has its place and can be quite fun for a change of pace however it is unbalanced. Dice has stated in the past that it is unbalanced hence why it is never their number 1 priority it's just a little novelty. You can like something and have fun with it as much as you want but you don't have to get all defensive and upset when someone mentions that it's not for everyone because of a few changes that make the game not as originally intended.

/r/battlefield_one Thread