What are some fun/stupid things to do with alcoholic drinks? Probably best to do at home with friends rather than annoying the other patrons in a pub.

Aways a classic at Uni for us. just need some drinks, and playing cards(purely for a platform)

Build a tower of drinks and time each other to finish it. (Or two for races)

But a pint of beer down, put a card on top of it.

In a smaller glass put a spirit+mixer drink on top of the beer, another card on top of it.

On top of the spirit+mixer, place a wine glass filled with wine, another card on top.

On top of the wine glass, place a shot of your choice. Place a card on top.

Time starts when you take the first card off, and ends when you finish the beer. You can't remove the next card until you've finished the last drink.

/r/CasualUK Thread