I pretend to be poor

5'4"; 150 lbs at last dr. visit; 49 yrs old; female ⚖️ weight loss? belly has shrunk but who knows...

As someone who is extremely poor food is a luxury. I have to seriously budget. I "splurged" today on strawberries and blueberries to snack prep and was so happy. Reading your post just makes me sad. Healthy eating is incredibly expensive. I started myfitnesspal on New Year's Eve after a 25 lb weight gain, eating (dollar tree junk food mostly) and sleeping after my job loss during quarantine. It's my fault & I have to fix it. Losing weight is so slow at 1,000 - 1,200 a day diet. And diet soup ain't cheap. I just came from Krogers...

/r/Myfitnesspal Thread