The Problem with the "Annabelle Movie Uptake Theory"

LOL oh LOL... if you’re going to trash talk you might as well just tag me in this!

But whatever start a separate thread because you can’t handle mine.

Anyway I’m sorry you guys can’t handle the truth. The truth is Jeanette turns out to be a side character that just causes a catalytic reaction.

Annabelle is Janice Higgins, mallory‘s mother. The police will shoot and kill Martin, because someone called the police over a Breakin... remember that many people have the key.

Then Annabelle will kill herself.

This will be in the last episode and final scene.

It’s not a theory it’s true.

Again I wish you wouldn’t of made a sub and not at least tag me in it or credited me. I find it maybe you’re a little intimidated by me, but so are a lot of people because I tell the truth

/r/CruelSummer Thread