What is the most destructive thing your pet has done?

This is the one my wife and I were laughing about that made me think of posting this question!

This all happened in a matter of 15 seconds... picture it lol

After we lugged the groceries into the house, my wife's curious cat Oliver got his head inserted into the handle-loop of one of the plastic shopping bags.

Something jostled in the bag and it startled Oliver. Trying to escape, he jerked his body back but the loop stayed stuck around his neck. Oliver's mood took on an air of concern and he hunkered down to try pulling his head out a second time.

Within seconds Oliver's mood escalated from concern to anxious as he started to frantically thrash about to get unstuck. This, of course, caused the contents of the bag to rattle loudly which startled him the point of panic.

Deciding to nope-the-fuck-out, Oliver started running away from the source of the noise... sadly the source of the noise was tied to his neck

As he ran throughout the house trying to escape, the bag and it's contents followed along, bashing, crashing, and making all manner of cacophonous noise as it thrashed along beside him. The new glass spice jars inside started to crash and explode.

Naturally, the sound of shattering glass all around him sent Ollie into sheer panic and hyperdrive.

As he put on the afterburners and proceeded to tear around the house in sheer terror, the bag ruptured sending untold number of glass shards behind him as he ran.

Once the bag emptied and was completely shredded, we were able to corner Ollie and remove the bag from around his neck. It took us over 2 hours of vacuuming and sweeping to get up all the glass shards, and six months later we are still finding shards of glass!

/r/AskReddit Thread