Proper naming for the Endings: Spoilers/Discuission

So I want to ask, where do you feel the trophies for each decision fall in terms of what you're proposing here?

I agree that each ending represents a choice, and I sense that you might also agree that it's important that we frame those decisions within the game itself. When we pick the "Waste of Skin" class, the game seems to be sensitive to the idea that a player might choose not to level up at all. In that regard, it presents a class that would reflect how a person within the game itself might be described while still being true to the world of the game itself.

Anyway, reading some of these trophies, I think they're direct in terms of what is going on.

"Yharnam Sunrise - You live through the hunt, and saw another day"

"Honoring Wishes - Captivated by the Moon Presence, you pledge to watch over the Hunter's Dream"

"Childhood's Beginning - You became an Infant Great One, lifting humanity to its next childhood"

Anyway, I present these because I think what you're presenting is very keen to what the game seems to suggest. Most overtly in terms of the "Honoring Wishes" ending. I think it gives a pretty decent context to the action/choice we make/take and then the consequences of those actions. I think there's a double meaning, in that if you're clueless about Gehrman's plight, you're at the very least honoring the wishes of a benevolent dictator that is the Moon Presence itself.

I'm not a huge fan of how I had to go about insisting this, but "Paleblood" is a term that can refer to many things in the world of the game. So I try to apply that same line of thought to what you're presenting here and I think it holds up.

In regard to Yharnam Sunrise, I think the name of that trophy is vague because any number of things can inform that decision. In terms of Childhood's Beginning, I think the same holds true. So while I don't necessarily resonate with the idea of giving each of these choices what you propose as being proper names, I think you're sensitive to the idea that we should evaluate the things that might lead us to make these choices.

If that makes sense. I realize you said you wrote a lot, but I think you wrote a lot with the idea of being critical in mind to what leads to each ending. So I want to propose that I think there are proper names for those endings, but your analysis is still very necessary.

/r/bloodborne Thread