Protective eyewear for RGP's

Yes, but RGPs are the common option for whatever reason. I didn’t know Sclerals existed either until I joined this sub. With RGPs I think one eye was 20/20 and the other was like 20/30. I think I totaled something like 20/25. There were times my vision seemed really good but sometimes they seemed to get dirty quick.

With sclerals I have 20/20 on both eyes. Was almost able to read 20/15 but the artifacts from the Keratoconus got in the way of some letters. Admittedly it could also be the difference in the skill/resources of my new doctor. My old doctor did a lot of guesstimating while my current doctor seems to have all the tools for doing this sort of stuff.

I assume RGPs might be easier to fit and they are much, much cheaper if you don’t have vision insurance.

/r/Keratoconus Thread Parent