[PSA] User /u/hey_iceman asked me to break rules of sub_reddit

I do not see where he was demonstrating "entitled sociopathic nonchalance" or "Karen"-like behavior with any of his responses. Your responses, both in the chat and on this post, are less-than professional... You quickly escalate - becoming increasingly hostile, resorting to name calling, threats.. and thru ought the entire chat session he did not engage or take the bait.. which seemed to aggravate you further. Even after his request to remove his personal email that you posted on the subreddit, he said thank you - and your response was to try and demean him further?

For further obscuring his email, while he tabled the subject of Doxxing, I obliged and further obscured the email. He then said he's easily show up on Google with that. I even tested and showed the Google result which had nothing to do with any person whatsoever, it showed Xbox games in the result.

His reply to that in the context of Doxxing, was "Cool, thanks REALNAME".

And of course, after he threatened me, in classic passive aggressive Karen style, I further obscured it. He's a full-blown Karen, dude.

/r/Starcitizen_trades Thread Parent