A protest of 1.03 Million People in a city with a population of 7 Million. That means every 1/7 of the people in Hong Kong are protesting for keeping their rights.

Hong Kong protesters are the most useless protesters that ever lived. Have you guys freed hk yet? haha.

You are posting this out of date pic from June 2019 to show everyone what failures they are and how they couldn't free a tiny little city even with 1.8million protesters + NED funding + whole of washington white house congress house of reps backing them + international support + biased local and international press promoting one sided propaganda about them 24hrs a day + million dollar advertisements in newspapers + famous NGOs like amnesty + 10,000s of shills brigading them 24hrs a day online! and...they still lost! LOL.

What a bunch of failures they are! They only got 1 out of 5 demands! No, 1 out of 7, they changed the demand of Chief executive resigning after it failed and their 7th open secret was hk independence from china, FAIL! HK is still part of China!

They played all their cards, no more ace to play! CCP winner takes it all, loser protesters standing small, China's victory, protesters jail's their destiny!

Sorry, couldn't resist Abba!

Last year, during a university seige, they wrote their wills and were ready to die for freedom, a few hours later they surrendered like cowards n cried for mommy because it was too cold! LOL! What a bunch of sissys! They should spend a few years in a xinjiang camp to toughen up. Never seen such weakling snowflakes in my life, no wonder they cant free hong kong!

What a waste of money for everyone that funded them, they should ask for a refund or given that money to a more deserving cause like Black live's matter!

/r/AntiComAction Thread Link - i.redd.it