[PS4] [Clan] [Discord] The Remnants are recruiting. New/Returning players are welcome.

No your right my class could never be on that low. You sunk all the way to the bottom of the barrel.

Oh yea and we’ve been on your mind or you wouldn’t know how long it took us to beat the raid. But you to dumb to realize we don’t care. The welcome message in my discord says we are not looking for try hards, but you can’t stand the fact that in aspects of life I’m a better person than your trash ass. I’ve never meet someone with such a complex they can’t handle being kicked out of a discord. Your a looser.

But hey good to know your great at COD. And come on back a smash my times. There’s like 600 clans in front of me on the leaderboard for clear times. Like I said I never cared about shit. Your are severely mistaken to think that I do.

/r/thedivisionclans Thread Parent