I can't cum.

I first want to say that I'm deeply sorry for pain that circumcision has caused. i am very against genital mutilation. i am part of this subreddit so that i am more knowledgeable on male circumcision because i hope to raise awareness at some point (so it's useful to know how it effects men)

Out of curiosity, what do you mean by "Ofc I've had all the urges that come with being a typical guy my age but no way to find release, it's incredibly frustrating!" -- as in does this mean that it's typical for a guy to be horny and wanting sex literally all day long? (i'm just wondering how much my sex drive as a woman differs from a man's) .. when you say "urges" - i'm not sure if that means just wanting sex or having difficulty with controlling oneself , please don't take offense - i'm just curious. also you don't have to reply if this is TMI

/r/CircumcisionGrief Thread