AMITA for being angry with my boyfriend for liking instagram pictures of other girls?

So, I think it comes down to his habits. My ex bf does the same and always has. He doesn’t hide it either and when I first asked was very honest, saying that he likes to look but that is it. He also watched porn. When I asked about it he was very clear that he had no intention of interacting with them, meeting them, etc, it was purely eye candy (we broke up for completely other reasons, he was never unfaithful in any way.) If you have no other reason to believe that he is being dishonest or unfaithful, it’s more about if you can deal with this. I’m someone who is relaxed when it cones to these things and more curious about why than jealous. But I do understand that it can bother others and it obviously bothers you and I do think he should be more considerate of your feeling towards in regards to this behavior. But it sounds to me like it could also be a form of habit, he is used to liking certain photos and following such accounts as they pop up in his explore that its not at fully conscious thing on his side. I think the fact that he deleted his profile shows he is aware of the habit and is his way of acknowledging that it bothered and hurt you.

/r/relationship_advice Thread